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React basics

React history

  • Why do we need react?
  • Time Complexity for React? O(n)
  • How did we manage DOM before react?
  • [TODO] What is DOM?

UI components

  • What is the benefit of using component?


  • How did we manage DOM before JSX?
  • How did JSX works?

Virtual DOM and Key Prop

  • How does React implement Virtual DOM?
  • Why React need key prop? and What is it for?


  • What is HigherOrderComponent?
  • What are the benefits to use HigherOrderComponent?

Context API (React 16.3)

  • Why we need Context API?
  • [TODO]: 03.09 how does consumer get the props value?


  • Examples of scaffolding in react?


  • Why we need packaging for frontend? (webpack)