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Storage Services

S3(Simple Storage Service)

  • What is S3?
    • S3 is an object storage service for the cloud that is highly available.
    • Objects (or files) are stored in buckets (or directories).
    • Essentially unlimited storage that can hold millions of objects per bucket.
    • Objects can be public or private.
    • You can upload objects via the console, the CLI, or programmatically from within code using SDKs.
    • S3 is a regional service but has a global namespace.
  • Data Accessbility:
    • Durability: Durability is important so your objects are never lost or compromised. Amazon S3 Standard is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of durability.
    • Availability: Availability is important so you can access your data quickly when you need it. Amazon S3 Standard is designed for 99.99% availability.
  • S3 Storage Classes:
    • S3 standard: frequently accessed data
    • S3 intelligent-Tiering: Data with unknown or changing access pattern
    • S3 Standard-Infrequently Access(IA): long-lived data, Infrequent accessed, millisecond access when needed
    • S3 One one-Infrequently Access: re-creatable data, Infrequenctly accessed with millisecond access, availability and durability not essential
    • S3 Glacier: Long-term backups, cheaper storage options
    • S3 Glacier Deep Archive: Long-term data archival accessed once or twice a year, retaining data for regulatory compliance requirements.
    • S3 Outposts: Data that needs to be kept local, demanding application performance needs.
  • Use Cases:
    • Static websites: Deploy static websites to S3 and use CloudFront for global distribution.
    • Data archive: Archive data using Amazon Glacier as a storage option for Amazon S3.
    • Analytics systems: Store data in Amazon S3 for use with analytics services like Redshift and Athena.
    • Mobile applicaiton: Mobile application users can upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Additional Storage Services

  • EC2 Storage
    • EC2 supports several storage options for your instances
  • Elastic Block Store(EBS)
    • EBS is a storage device (called a volume) that can be attached to (or removed from) your instance.
    • Can only be attached to one instance in the same Availability Zone
    • recommended for: Quickly accessible data, Running a database on an instance, or Long-term data storage
  • EC2 Instance Store
    • An instance store is local storage that is physically attached to the host computer and cannot be removed.
    • Storage on disks physically attached to an instance
    • Storage is temporary since data loss occurs when the EC2 instance is stopped
    • recommended for: Temporary storage needs, Data replicated across multiple instances
  • Elastic File System(EFS)
    • EFS is a serverless network file system for sharing files.
    • Only supports the Linux file system
    • More expensive than EBS
    • Accessible across different Availability Zones in the same Region
    • recommended for: Main directories for business-critical apps, Lift-and-shift existing enterprise apps
  • Storage Gateway
    • Storage Gateway is a hybrid storage service.
    • Connect on-premises and cloud data and support hybird system.
    • recommended for: Moving backups to the cloud,Reducing costs for hybrid cloud storage, or Low latency access to data.
  • AWS Backup
    • AWS Backup helps you manage data backups across multiple AWS services.
    • Integrates with resources like EC2, EBS, EFS, and more
    • recommended for: Create a backup plan that includes frequency and retention