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Understanding of Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Computing

  • High Availablity:

    • Highly available systems are designed to operate continuously without failure for a long time. These systems avoid loss of service by reducing or managing failures.
  • Elastisity:

    • With elasticity, you don't have to plan ahead of time how much capacity you need. You can provision only what you need, and then grow and shrink based on demand.
  • Agility:
    • The cloud gives you increased agility. All the services you have access to help you innovate faster, giving you speed to market.
  • Durability:
    • Durability is all about long-term data protection. This means your data will remain intact without corruption.

Two Different Expeneses

  • Capital Expenditures(CapEx):Capital expenditures are upfront purchases toward fixed assets.
  • Operating expenses(OpEx): Operating expenses are funds used to run day-to-day operations.

CLoud Computing Models

  • Infastructure as a Service(IaaS)
    • Building Blocks: Fundamental building blocks that can be rented.
    • Web Hosting: Monthly subscription to have a hosting company serve your website.
  • Software as a Service(SaaS):
    • Complete Application: Using a complete application,on demand, that someone offers to users.
    • Email Provider: Your personal email that you access through a web browser is SaaS.
  • Platform as a Service(PaaS):
    • Used by Developers: Develop software using web-based tools without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
    • Storefront Website: Tools provided to build a storefront application that runs on another company’s server.

Cloud Deployment Models

  • Private Cloud:
    • Also called "on-premises"
    • Exists in your internal data center
    • Doesn't offer the advantages of cloud computing
  • Public Cloud:
    • Offered by AWS
    • You aren't responsible for the physical hardware
    • Provides all the advantages of cloud computing
  • Hybird Cloud:
    • Sample architecture for a hybrid solution
    • Highly sensitive data stored locally
    • Web application runs on AWS infrastructure
    • AWS provides tools so they talk to each other